America's most currently publicized prostitute may be set to appear in a Girls Gone Wild video.
CNN reports in a video segment you can view here that Ashley Alexandra 'Do Me for The Right Fee' Dupre may be making an appearance in an upcoming release of the famous line of DVDs.
Dupre, seen in these photos doing what she does best- getting naked for money, apparently was offered big bucks by Joe Francis to strip down and shake her money maker. That offer was soon rescinded. The clock is ticking on her notoriety, so Dupre has to 'get while the gettin' is good.'
Francis, the prodcuer of GGW, apparently changed his mind when he found he already had footage of the party girl- cum-prostitute getting down and dirty on the Girls Gone Wild bus a few years back. Eliot Spitzer's slut on the side may have been just a teen back then, but the flaunting of the flesh was clearly already something she was well versed in.
As long as Francis can prove that Dupre was 18 at the time, he should be able earn a huge amount of cash on another installment of what has already proven to be a big money making franchise. As for Ms. Dupre, this may be one of her 15 minutes of fame that she won't be able to cash in on.
Get the money up front...isn't that the first thing they teach in hooker school?