With oil prices hitting record highs and service stations charging obscene amounts of money for that much needed gasoline, people might want to consider a few tips on how to get the most out of their fuel comsumption so they can save a few dollars at the pumps.
1. Streamiline to Save $$$
Wind resistance and aerodynamics play their part in how much fuel you burn going down the road. You may want to take off any superfluous rigging on your vehicle like ski racks, luggage mounts, roof-top storage...whatever. Reducing drag on your automobile can reduce the drag on you wallet by as much as 20 percent.
2. Relax On The Road
Using a laid back driving style with smooth acceleration and consistent cruising speeds can mean as much as a one third improvement in fuel efficiency. Use the cruise control on the highways and try to avoid the hard braking and acceleration that chips away at your pocketbook.
3. Timing Is Everything
Gas stations tend to increase their pricing as the weekend approaches, and then it levels off. Once midweek arrives, they are back down again, and by Wednesday morning they should be at their lowest. Pull in and load up on savings.
Also, the morning is a good time to buy gas since it is usually the coolest time of the day. Lower temperatures means denser gas by volume, which translates into more internal combustion bang for your buck.
4. The Right Gas
Unless your automobile requires higher octane or premium gasoline, regular octane will do the job. There is a difference between being recommended to use high grade fuel in your vehicle and being required. That diffenrce could mean extra money in your pocket when you pull away from the pump.
5. The Right Station
Full Service stations usually don't try and compete on price. That means you will be paying a premium for filling up at stations offering perks you don't need. Try and avoid the ones with tire centers, repair shops, attendants...whatever. Pump your own gas and enjoy your own savings.
You work hard for your money, so why pump it away to rich oil companies taking advantage of your need for fuel? Use some of these tips and put that money back in your pocket where it belongs.