Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Obama Equals McGovern?

So Barack Obama wants to end the war in Iraq...so he thinks that going into deep debt to fight an illegal war may not be the prudent course for the leader of the United States of America to take...so he has a social conscience...this makes him George McGovern?

The right's flailing attempts to label any possible opposition as liberal demons intent on ripping apart the moral tapestry of the American way of life is so cliche that it barely merits mention. McGovern was labeled as someone who was in favor of "Amnesty, Abortion, and Acid" due to reports circulated about him wanting to legalize pot, forgive Vietnam draft dodgers and end the war, and supporting legal abortions...reports that were revealed to have been given by his own initial running mate, Thomas Eagleton, who ended up being an albatross around the McGovern campaign neck. The label, put forth by Robert Novak and meant to portray him in the worst possible light, dogged him for the entire campaign.

Nixon eventually won the White House, and you know the rest...criminal acts, cover-ups, subterfuge, talk of impeachment, etc., etc., etc. This is supposedly better than wanting to bring troops and POWs home, separating church and state, and relaxing a few archane drug laws? In the end, wouldn't the country had been better off if McGovern had won?

Hmmm. Maybe Obama is the new McGovern. Maybe that isn't such a bad thing after all.

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