Thursday, March 20, 2008

His Pastor's Keeper?

So now Obama is facing some political heat about some remarks his pastor made.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright let fly with with some fire and brimstone some time ago, and it seems Sen. Barack Obama has hell to pay for it these days. While the Senator did not support what Wright said, he stood by his pastor and explained his feelings in a well delivered speech given in Philadelphia on Tuesday.

Why is this stuff being brought up now? The race was not supposed to be about race. Former Vice-Presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro faced some criticism for remarks she made in regards to Obama's race having to do with his current political success. That blew over pretty quick.

Ferraro eventually stepped down as a member of Hillary Clinton's finance committee, not because she took back her remarks but, according to a what a Clinton campaign source told ABC News, because she wanted to keep on discussing the matter without hurting Sen. Clinton's campaign.

So why is Obama being held to a different standard? He may have heard those remarks Pastor Wright made years ago, but considering the source and the context, what could he really have done? He has publicly condemned the sin, but not the sinner...isn't that what his religion is really all about.

After all, isn't it clear to everyone involved that Pastor Wright 'done wrong?'

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