Thursday, March 27, 2008

10 Other Things Hillary Clinton May Not Remember Correctly

In the wake of SniperGate (what if there's ever a political scandal involving fencing materials...will we have a Gategate?), perhaps Hillary's ability to recollect should come under scrutiny.

After all, she is in her 60's now, and this picture clearly shows she was a hippie...a pot smoking one, perhaps? As for Bill''s hillbilly-fro, maybe he did inhale.

Regardless, the President of The United States cannot be delusional...Bush proved that.

Let's examine some other things her memory may be a bit fuzzy on...

1. How she was the one to free the hostages in Iran in the 70's

2. How she invented the internet...not that Al Gore guy.

3. How she was the one to Free Willy

4. How to disclose her tax filings

5. How to bow out gracefully

6. How Stella Got Her Groove Back

7. Who shot J.R.

8. How she battled Godzilla and saved Tokyo.

9. Who shot the sheriff. ( she didn't shoot the deputy, though the case does remain unsolved.)

10. How she ever fell for a guy like Bill.

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