Saturday, March 8, 2008

Excuse Me While I Rant About...

What passes for journalism these days...

How does having talking heads and silicone shills relaying the latest doings of a dumbass celebrity on television add up to reporting? When did glossy gossip rags become the got to source of printed information? Since when is an actress walking her dog in flip flops and a parka considered news?

There was a time when a reporter was held in high regard for their willingness to sniff out a story and their ability to relay important news in an intelligent manner...currently it's kudos for who can get the scoop on what celebrity is drunk, dead or not wearing panties in public.

Nowdays it seems the gossip columnist rules and dirt pays...all of it dumbed down for the masses. Take a good long look at your idols, people...then go sit in the corner and cry.

Here's to making The National Enquirer the newspaper of record.

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