The sultry sex-tape starlet isn't exactly a family friendly figure, but it seems like McDonald's doesn't mind slumming it when it comes to celebrating 40 years of the Big Mac sandwhich.
Anybody who has seen Ms. Kardashian in action knows she likes lots of meat in her mouth (not to mention other parts) and loads of 'special sauce.' Who better to promote a cheap and sloppy serving of fast food than a cheap and sloppy skank? Maybe Marhsall McLuhan was right...the medium is the message.
In this case it's all ass, no class.
Even so, there is no medium about Kim. Whether it's her spending style, big boobs or bountiful buttocks, everything about her says super-size me...including her taste in men.
Just don't expect her to troll out her tits for the McChicken's birthday anytime soon.
Kinky Kim prefers the dark meat.