Perhaps the Playboy reject is just trying t get her money's worth for her boob job, or maybe she is trying to generate enough interest in her body to get her into some less prestigious skin mag, like Hustler.
Every girl needs a dream.
Audrina may not be Einstein (or know who he is), but when it comes to intelligence levels for MTV 'stars,' she just may be the sharpest marble in the bunch. Ms. Partridge may well know that if a no talent pseudo-reality personality such as herself wants to keep making cash, she needs to diversify.
She has already made a straight to video movie that showcases her new boobs in a sexy bikini, and with every set of sexy pics she has on the net, she gets one step closer to her goal of being paid to be naked.
And if that doesn't work out, perky Ms Partridge can always film herself having sex and 'accidently' release the tape over the web. It sure is easier than developing some sort of talent.