It can be hard to say if she is hot or just huge, depending on the point of view, but we may be seeing much more of her in pictures soon. She certainly does fill out her bikini.
Seems like Playboy has made an offer to Pappa Hogan's little she-hulk, and she is apparently mulling over making a nude appearance in the men's magazine. How she will get away with it considering her father's level of over-protection is a whole other matter to consider.
Maybe Daddy will understand that when your daughter is not very talented, getting naked is pretty much the only career option left...and then comes the sex tape. Can anyone say 'roid rage?'
Baring her buns shouldn't be a big embarassment for Brooke since she wasn't exactly shy about showing the whole world that she couldn't sing or dance too well, and it will give her brother's cellmates something to stroke to at bedtime.