Looks like the co-star of last summer's hit film, Transformers, has decided to shed her clothes and show some skin for her next film, titled Jennifer's Body.
It also appears that the aptly named Fox won't be showing her nipples, since she is sporting some pasties, but it definitely looks like she has increased the overall mass of her breasts somehow...silicone, perhaps?
Fox wouldn't be the first 'starlet' to get naked in order to advance her career, nor would she be the first on to get a boob job, but at least by covering her pink bits, she leaves herself somewhere to go from here in case more nudity is needed for a future career boost.
In the film, Megan will be playing the title character...a demonically possessed cheerleader who kills off the boys in her town. The script was written by Oscar winning former stripper, Diablo Cody, so that may explain the nudity. As for the rest....
Looks like Ms Fox has come a long way from her days of the one-line per episode 'hip' oldest child on the oh-so-saccharine schlock that was Hope & Faith.
Maybe the next time she doffs her togs on screen, it will be all the way.