Despite being behind in the delegate votes and having to lend her campaign a tidy sum estimated to be over 11 million dollars (out of her own pocket), the former first lady seems to think she not only has a shot at the nomination, but that she is the only logical choice to go up against John McCain.
Needless to say, Barack Obama feels otherwise.
With the West Virginia primary, which she is expected to win handily, merely hours away, Clinton's campaign is dogged by allegations that some comments she made in regards to an AP article were latently derogatory and laced with racism...a charge her people vehemently deny. If nothing else, it takes some heat off Obama by giving people something to talk about besides Rev. Wright.
Though her argument that the Florida and Michigan primaries should be counted do represent a glimmer of hope, the sad specter of reality seems to looming closer and closer as the days go by. Defeat looks to be a certainty, with pundits pointing to Obama's nomination as a forgone conclusion.
Could it be that the once proud Hillary Clinton, who had the swagger of an incumbent when the primary process first got underway, may have to eat campaign losses of over 10 million dollars along with a slice of humble pie should she not win the nomination after all?
Was all her hard work and political positioning, dating back to her decision to run for Senator in New York instead of somewhere she had roots (Like Illinois, Arkansas, or Pennsylvania), for naught?
It just might be that the woman who fancied herself 'the comeback kid' may actually end up being the person who refused to go away until she had to be asked to leave the party (pardon the pun), and nobody likes being that person. Then again, this is you never know.
Stranger things have happened.