After all, it's no surprise the lengths that certain stars will go to for a little publicity these days...PR people are always pushing the envelope.
But what if you didn't have to go that far to get some buzz going? Look at the Lindsay Lohan supposed sex-tape scandal. Something is not quite right there.
Rumors have been circulating about a tape of her and Calum Best doing the dirty, with grainy snippets showing up here and there, only to be shot down by either herself or Best as not being them. The images that have been leaked are so blotchy that it is pretty hard to tell who is on that camera phone footage...but maybe that is the point.
Instead of having to suffer the shame of having millions of people see them in all their naked glory, and in between nearly nude photo shoots for various teen masturbation mags like Maxim and FHM, what if celebs could pretend that there was a saucy sex-tape of them somewhere out there?
It would still generate heat, it would still sell gossip rags, and it would still get the subject talked about on every tv channel, radio station and web page.
It would mean publicity without paying the price of public humiliation...a price that's too good to pass up.